Baby Anderson: The Journey

On October 5, 2006, God gave us the biggest blessing we could imagine: our daughter Liliana. So here is a place for our friends and family to keep up with her as she grows.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Strange Days

I had planned on posting a March update, but I will have to do that sometime next week. I have pictures to share, but those too must wait. There are several things going on for us right now and I would love any prayers that people can spare.

  • My grandfather, Clyde Chynoweth, passed away last Sunday following complications from a stroke. Our family is taking it very hard, despite knowing that he has rejoined my grandmother in a better place. He was an incredible man and we are all deeply blessed to have been a part of his life. Please pray for us over the next few days as our family comes together to mourn and to celebrate our patriarch.
  • Around the same time as my grandfather's stroke, my Aunt Lynn was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent her first chemo treatment yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and the rest of the family as well.
  • On a better note, I sent off the creative part of my thesis (which is the bulk of it at 186 pages) to my advisor. All that is left is the introduction and the inevitable revisions. I will try to update my thesis site next week with information on the various challenges I have dealt with getting to this point, for anyone who is interested.
  • Thursday I have an interview for the Human Resources position I had previously mentioned. I come from a family of teachers and boy scouts so I always try to do two things: Be Prepared and Do Your Homework. I am doing both for the interview. I don't know that there is a strong chance I will get the position, but it doesn't hurt to hope. This new job would be a big boost for me both professionally and financially. Fingers crossed.

I suppose that is all for now. I have started writing about some of my favorite memories of my grandfather that I would like to share at later date. Best wishes to everyone.



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