Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
All I Want For Christmas...
We took our girls to meet Santa a few weeks ago when Midland College's Vet Tech program offered a chance for photos with pets and kids. Liliana actually slept through the whole thing, but Charleigh and Perdita had a great deal to tell Santa.
Here's what Staylee and I imagine to be on their Christmat lists:
Charleigh: Tennis balls, shrimptails, tennis balls, someone to throw tennis balls, tennis balls
Perdita: A bubble bath, chocolate, snuggles, a stuffed toy to destroy, grandma's fall-apart meat, more snuggles
So here are our babies.
Here's what Staylee and I imagine to be on their Christmat lists:
Charleigh: Tennis balls, shrimptails, tennis balls, someone to throw tennis balls, tennis balls
Perdita: A bubble bath, chocolate, snuggles, a stuffed toy to destroy, grandma's fall-apart meat, more snuggles
So here are our babies.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Penguins, Pictures, and The Exorcist
Liliana had her two month check up Monday. They gave her a variety of shots, which made both of us cry. Thankfully Mom was there to hold both of our hands. She currently weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long. On her bottom gum you can see where a tooth is going to come in. I couldn't believe it! Already? (That'll be a fun surprise for me at feeding time when it does come in.)
Dr. Reese also thinks that Liliana has reflux because she cries so much when you push on her tummy. We can start her on medication or try rice cereal. I opted for the cereal because it just seems so sad to start her on medication at two months. When I got home from work Monday night, she ate her first meal off of a spoon--she absolutely loved it! She would open her mouth really wide for every spoonful and then shove her fist in her mouth to "help it down." In between bites she was cooing and grinning and laughing up a storm. So cute! I have pictures I'll post soon.
Speaking of pictures, she had her first professional photo session last night. I got her all cleaned up and dressed in her Christmas dress. A little boutique Christmas store near our house was having Santa Claus so I thought I would take her for her picture there before Staylee got home and then we could go together to the professional session. I had just (and I mean just) finished buttoning up the back of the dress when she projectile vomitted all over me, her dress, the floor, and the changing table. It was like The Exorcist.
So I had a moment of panic and thought about rescheduling because we really wanted the pictures in her dress. Then mom instincts kicked in and I cleaned her up, rinsed out the dress and threw it in the dryer. Crisis averted.
(Something that amazes me about motherhood is the way your focus changes--I cleaned her up first, then the dress, then the changing table, then the floor. Like ten minutes later I remembered I had vomit on me too and should probably clean myself up before going in public.)
The first few pictures she was really cute. Then she started to get cranky, so the ones in her second outfit looked terrible. She was tired and just wanted to go home. But there is one of her smiling that is adorable and one of her looking at the camera that I love. She looks very serious (Staylee thinks she was concerned for the safety of Nigel, her penguin, who was hanging over the photographers head to get her attention), but sweet. I can't wait to get them back.
So at two months here is how her world stands:
Weight-10 pounds 12 ounces
Length-23 1/2 inches
Hair-Blond with redish brown highlights
Eyes-Dark blue
Favorite food-mom & rice cereal (it's a limited field)
Favorite toys-Nigel the penguin, Sally the musical panda, Molly McDuckie & Rupert Frog (hanging jingle toys), Piglet soft rattle, Baby Einstein Ocean Wonders To Go Bar
Favorite movies-Anything with music, especially Classical Baby Dance & Art Shows and Fantasia 2000
Favorite activities-Being held, snuggling with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma, talking to her toys, going for walks in her stroller, shopping with Mommy and Grandma in her stroller, helping Mommy cook
And like me, it seems my daughter is a huge Christmas fan. She loves looking at the lights on trees and the deocrations in the mall. On Sunday I was doing some Christmas baking and put on a kids Christmas CD. She laughed and cooed when I danced for her. But the cutest was watching her sing and laugh and dance to "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer." Good to know my child has a sense of humor.
Dr. Reese also thinks that Liliana has reflux because she cries so much when you push on her tummy. We can start her on medication or try rice cereal. I opted for the cereal because it just seems so sad to start her on medication at two months. When I got home from work Monday night, she ate her first meal off of a spoon--she absolutely loved it! She would open her mouth really wide for every spoonful and then shove her fist in her mouth to "help it down." In between bites she was cooing and grinning and laughing up a storm. So cute! I have pictures I'll post soon.
Speaking of pictures, she had her first professional photo session last night. I got her all cleaned up and dressed in her Christmas dress. A little boutique Christmas store near our house was having Santa Claus so I thought I would take her for her picture there before Staylee got home and then we could go together to the professional session. I had just (and I mean just) finished buttoning up the back of the dress when she projectile vomitted all over me, her dress, the floor, and the changing table. It was like The Exorcist.
So I had a moment of panic and thought about rescheduling because we really wanted the pictures in her dress. Then mom instincts kicked in and I cleaned her up, rinsed out the dress and threw it in the dryer. Crisis averted.
(Something that amazes me about motherhood is the way your focus changes--I cleaned her up first, then the dress, then the changing table, then the floor. Like ten minutes later I remembered I had vomit on me too and should probably clean myself up before going in public.)
The first few pictures she was really cute. Then she started to get cranky, so the ones in her second outfit looked terrible. She was tired and just wanted to go home. But there is one of her smiling that is adorable and one of her looking at the camera that I love. She looks very serious (Staylee thinks she was concerned for the safety of Nigel, her penguin, who was hanging over the photographers head to get her attention), but sweet. I can't wait to get them back.
So at two months here is how her world stands:
Weight-10 pounds 12 ounces
Length-23 1/2 inches
Hair-Blond with redish brown highlights
Eyes-Dark blue
Favorite food-mom & rice cereal (it's a limited field)
Favorite toys-Nigel the penguin, Sally the musical panda, Molly McDuckie & Rupert Frog (hanging jingle toys), Piglet soft rattle, Baby Einstein Ocean Wonders To Go Bar
Favorite movies-Anything with music, especially Classical Baby Dance & Art Shows and Fantasia 2000
Favorite activities-Being held, snuggling with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma, talking to her toys, going for walks in her stroller, shopping with Mommy and Grandma in her stroller, helping Mommy cook
And like me, it seems my daughter is a huge Christmas fan. She loves looking at the lights on trees and the deocrations in the mall. On Sunday I was doing some Christmas baking and put on a kids Christmas CD. She laughed and cooed when I danced for her. But the cutest was watching her sing and laugh and dance to "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer." Good to know my child has a sense of humor.