Liliana is growing by leaps and bounds. Of course, she’s a little girl to begin with, so now at seven and a half months she is outgrowing her 3-6 month clothes. She is also getting ready to crawl. She scoots across the floor and rocks back and forth on all fours. So it is just a matter of time before she’s into everything even more than she already is.
We had a lovely first Mother’s Day. Liliana hosted a tea for her grandmothers that was very nice and I received several cards and a beautiful necklace from Staylee. All in all it was a wonderful day.
Liliana has been sleeping in her big crib in her own room for about a month now and it is going really well. She goes to bed at nine o’clock (although last night she went to bed earlier because she was a fussy britches and didn’t want anything else). We have a established a routine that really works for us—I change her diaper, put on her sleepy lotions, and put her in her jim-jams. Then Daddy comes upstairs and we say our prayers and kiss her goodnight. We then put on her bedtime music, turn out the light, and run like the dickens before she lets out her first “But I’m not tired!” cry. Of course she is tired, because about ten minutes later she stops crying and falls asleep. Left to her own devices, she sleeps until about nine in the morning. I have to wake her up to feed her before we go to work.
To finish, here is a picture of our summer girl taken on her seven month birthday during our last weekend at Sul Ross.

We had a lovely first Mother’s Day. Liliana hosted a tea for her grandmothers that was very nice and I received several cards and a beautiful necklace from Staylee. All in all it was a wonderful day.
Liliana has been sleeping in her big crib in her own room for about a month now and it is going really well. She goes to bed at nine o’clock (although last night she went to bed earlier because she was a fussy britches and didn’t want anything else). We have a established a routine that really works for us—I change her diaper, put on her sleepy lotions, and put her in her jim-jams. Then Daddy comes upstairs and we say our prayers and kiss her goodnight. We then put on her bedtime music, turn out the light, and run like the dickens before she lets out her first “But I’m not tired!” cry. Of course she is tired, because about ten minutes later she stops crying and falls asleep. Left to her own devices, she sleeps until about nine in the morning. I have to wake her up to feed her before we go to work.
To finish, here is a picture of our summer girl taken on her seven month birthday during our last weekend at Sul Ross.