Quck Update
Sorry I am so behind in posting. This fall is shaping up to be super busy. I am studying like a madwoman for my MA exam, writing my thesis, planning Liliana's first birthday party, and still trying to spend time with the family.
Liliana started swimming lessons three weeks ago and really loves them. Staylee takes off early from work to come and we have a really good time. We are allowed to take pictures on guest day, September 19, so I will post some after that.
We've been doing baby yoga lately, which Liliana absolutely loves. I only wish I had started it sooner. We have such a good time together and it allows us time to do something together, just us. The book I'm using is Itsy Bitsy Yoga and I highly recommend it.
I think Staylee and I have finally found a church we like. It's actually Staylee's old church, St. Nicholas. We went two Sundays ago and really enjoyed it. Lili was great during the service (we didn't think we should leave her in the nursery just yet--she doesn't do well with strangers on her own), although she tried to sing along with the hymns. But people were very nice, coming up to us afterwards and commenting on what a good baby she was and how nice it was to hear her joyful noise. We know several people and they have a good children's program, something that is really important to us. Unfortunately I was sick last Sunday, so we didn't get to go, but we are looking forward to this week.
We had to make a trip to the doctor yesterday because we thought she had an earache. She's been waking up several times a night screaming and is generally not her jovial self. Dr. Reese figured out that it was her acid reflux, which has caused sores on the roof of her mouth that are now infected. We have to put her on medication for the reflux, but there is really nothing we can do about the sores but wait it out. Dr. Reese did give us a prescription for some Tylenol with Codeine to help her sleep for a few days. So please keep her in your prayers that she will feel better soon!
Finally, here are some recent pictures of our wonder girl. She's getting so big!
After her first swimming lesson. She was the only baby that didn't cry in the water!
Playing at the park. She was too little for most of the equipment, but she loved crawling back and forth in this tube. The wind came up and she just had this look of pure joy. I was lucky enough to catch it on film.

More pictures to come: China, swimming, the park, and before you know it...Liliana turns ONE!
Liliana started swimming lessons three weeks ago and really loves them. Staylee takes off early from work to come and we have a really good time. We are allowed to take pictures on guest day, September 19, so I will post some after that.
We've been doing baby yoga lately, which Liliana absolutely loves. I only wish I had started it sooner. We have such a good time together and it allows us time to do something together, just us. The book I'm using is Itsy Bitsy Yoga and I highly recommend it.
I think Staylee and I have finally found a church we like. It's actually Staylee's old church, St. Nicholas. We went two Sundays ago and really enjoyed it. Lili was great during the service (we didn't think we should leave her in the nursery just yet--she doesn't do well with strangers on her own), although she tried to sing along with the hymns. But people were very nice, coming up to us afterwards and commenting on what a good baby she was and how nice it was to hear her joyful noise. We know several people and they have a good children's program, something that is really important to us. Unfortunately I was sick last Sunday, so we didn't get to go, but we are looking forward to this week.
We had to make a trip to the doctor yesterday because we thought she had an earache. She's been waking up several times a night screaming and is generally not her jovial self. Dr. Reese figured out that it was her acid reflux, which has caused sores on the roof of her mouth that are now infected. We have to put her on medication for the reflux, but there is really nothing we can do about the sores but wait it out. Dr. Reese did give us a prescription for some Tylenol with Codeine to help her sleep for a few days. So please keep her in your prayers that she will feel better soon!
Finally, here are some recent pictures of our wonder girl. She's getting so big!
Standing by herself for the first time. She will walk holding one hand and has taken two steps, but that's all for now.

More pictures to come: China, swimming, the park, and before you know it...Liliana turns ONE!