Baby Anderson: The Journey

On October 5, 2006, God gave us the biggest blessing we could imagine: our daughter Liliana. So here is a place for our friends and family to keep up with her as she grows.

Monday, March 03, 2008

January/ February Updates

It was my intention to post at least a monthly update, however, January brought an onslaught of thesis rewrites that have left me with little free writing time. So, I shall have to combine the two months. You can also find pictures from both months in our family photo album.

Liliana was baptised on the January 13 by Reverend Liggitt. It was a lovely service and we were lucky to have many family and friends present.

There has been a massive flu outbreak in Midland, but we have been blessed in that she had remained healthy. She still doesn't talk much, although she does communicate. She also calls Staylee "Dada" much of the time. She has started calling my mom "Nana," but Mom keeps trying to get her to say "Grandma." We're hoping the Nana will become Grandma before too long. Lili loves our dogs, especially Charleigh, Perdi, and Cora (my mom's dog). By loving them, she tries to let Perdi out of her kennel, laughs at Charleigh, and feeds Cora half of her snacks.

Lili's made a few attempts at feeding herself with a spoon, but her heart isn't in it, yet. We have also started dealing with tantrums, but they've gotten better since we just ignore them. Lili is very spirited and you can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. She doesn't really like to be held by anyone but Mommy and Daddy because she'd rather walk and explore. Lili is an affectionate child, but only to a small group. She really only hugs Mommy and Daddy, sometimes Grandpa Larry. She is very interested in books, but she doesn't like to be read to. She just likes to look through them on her own. She will also find books with the same pictures on the cover and match them.

Lili loves to dance, especially to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Happy Monster Band, and Handy Manny songs. She isn't that interested in the actual plot of the shows, just the music at the beginning and the end. One of her very favorite things is taking a bath. She just loves to splash in the water. She isn't really that interested in most of her toys: she prefers to explore the world around her. And she loves her babies, which are the five stuffed toys she has chosen to sleep with her. They all have very specific places in her crib that cannot be disturbed. Other stuffed animals she's not really into.

Staylee has been working very long hours at Baker Hughes. He is also attending classes at the college two nights a week--History and Business Math--and doing very well in both. He has received many written and verbal commendations at work for all his time and effort.

Amber--I am working away at major rewrites on my thesis with plans to defend in June. Work continues to be unchallenging and boring. After talking with my supervisor and praying on it, I am starting the search for a new job. Today, I am applying for a new position on campus, and although I don't meet all the requirements, I figure it can't hurt. My dean and VP are both very supportive and wrote me terrific letters. If I don't get this, I'm just going to keep applying for anything that might be a step up until something pans out. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that something works out.

All the Rest...The first weekend in February we celebrated Grandpa's 91st birthday. Lili and I have been making him dinner two nights a week. I think the oldest and youngest generation enjoy their interactions. Of course, Grandpa's dog, Mia, is not so thrilled, but she had learned the perks of having a messy baby eat at her house.

Lili, Charleigh and I have started walking around our neighborhood on nice days. Lili loves to watch Charleigh run ahead, although we did have a sticky day when a Yorkie attacked Charleigh. So I ended up pushing the stroller while holding a 40 pound border collie as a 10 pound Yorkie jumped up at her. Charleigh still gets scared when we walk by the house.

Yesterday we took our girls to see the Easter Bunny at the Midland College Vet Tech. Lili went crazy for the bunny. While we were picking the pictures, she actually toddled over and pulled herself into the bunny's lap to snuggle. It was so cute.

Coming Up in March...Lili starts swimming lessons again tomorrow. Next weekend is the Celtic festival in Midland so we are taking Lili and Charleigh. The next weekend we are spending a few days with Staylee's parents in Oklahoma. And we will be spending our first Easter at St. Nicholas. Thanks for reading!